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How will we monitor pupil engagement?

At Barrowby CE Primary School, we expect all our children to engage in Remote Education.

Expectations are as follows:

  • Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children should complete approximately 3 hours of work a day.  As these children are younger they may require more support from parents, therefore a more flexible approach can be used, to enable parents to 'fit in their child's support' with their other commitments; ensuring the parents submits their child's work to the class teacher;
  • Years 3,4 5, and 6 children should complete approximately 4 hours of work a day - following the school's timetable.  As these children are older, this is a more structured approach and enables Class Teachers to deliver subject specific input through a series of 'Live Lessons' directly supporting parents and the children.

Parents should support their children and ensure work is submitted via Tapestry, email and/or Microsoft TEAMs. 

Teachers will provide feedback to work received in accordance with our school's Feedback Policy

All Class Teachers will monitor contact from children e.g. attendance at 'Live Lessons', work received etc  and Administrative staff will monitor contact from parents.  Both will record this directly on to the Family Contact lists for each class. 

These lists will be monitored by Class Teachers.  Any concerns relating to Pupil Engagement will be dealt with in accordance with our Monitoring Pupil Engagement Guidance: