Attendance at Barrowby CE Primary School is excellent: 97.37% for 2023/2024.
All our pupils enjoy coming to school and are happy in their learning. As a way to acknowledge good attendance, we have a reward system.
This has taken the form of a series of certificates, awarded to individual pupils in the last week of the Autumn, Spring and Summer Term, to recognise 100% attendance.
Bronze : Awarded for 100% attendance in a single (2) term e.g. Autumn
Silver: Awarded for 100% attendance, in two (4) consecutive terms e.g. Autumn & Spring
Gold: Awarded for 100% attendance, in all three (6) terms e.g. Autumn, Spring & Summer
Platinum: Awarded for 100% attendance.
If pupils do require term time absence, we ask that parents complete a 'Request for Absence Form.'