Children can log on to Numbots using their Times Table Rockstars log on details. Numbots is a game designed to help with quick recall of addition and subtraction facts.
Game Types
- Story Mode – the emphasis is on learning the ideas and concepts behind addition and subtraction so it features more diagrams, shapes and question styles. Story Mode is set out as a series of Stages (Rust, Tin, Iron, etc) containing levels, a bit like Angry Birds. Rust is the first Stage and level 1 is unlocked, so this is the place for everyone to start. To unlock the next level, players need to earn two stars by showing sufficient proficiency.
- Challenge Mode – the emphasis is more on speed of recall of key facts, like number bonds to 10, doubling small numbers or adding & taking away in your head. Challenge Mode is locked for new users and is unlocked once players reach a certain level on Story Mode. It’s currently set to unlock part way through Tin stage.