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Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar


Our aim is for all children to be confident in the application of skills in writing through transcription and composition.  Our vision is that they can successfully apply grammar and spelling knowledge to write fluent, informative and enjoyable written pieces.


Through high quality teaching our children will learn how to speak clearly, articulating their thoughts and points of view with clarity whilst also thinking about the listener and develop as creative and skilled writers.  Children will be encouraged to develop a handwriting style which is legible and joined.

Writing is taught is a cohesive and progressive way to ensure development of composition, grammar and punctuation skills across a range of genres and writing outcome text types.  Children will always write for a purpose, whether this is based on real/ first hand experiences or is topic related.


Children are taught the essential skills of writing (composition, grammar, punctuation, spelling and handwriting) whilst also using a rich and varied range of vocabulary inspired and stimulated by the high-quality texts that they read in their English Reading lessons.  Lessons will be planned to meet the needs of the learners and facilitate progress across a sequence of days/ weeks that develop children’s use of grammar and punctuation to improve composition.  Handwriting lessons are taught discreetly and writing fluency is promoted in all English lessons and across the wider curriculum.  Spelling is also, taught discreetly and key skills are embedded in English lessons as part of the writing process.

For pupils with SEND, it is important to focus on the pupils’ strengths as well as identifying areas where they need more help, practice and consolidation. In general, pupils should have the opportunity to develop all of the concepts in writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, regardless of their SEN or disability. However, the approach to these concepts may have to be done differently with different groups of pupils.


By the end of each year, each phase of education and by the time children leave the school; our carefully sequenced Writing Curriculum will allow children to be fluent and confident writers who can successfully and purposefully write across a range of genres. They will be critical and evaluative writers who understand the need for editing and proof reading to enhance written outcomes for the reader/ audience.